Limited Edition
Gift Bundle

Crowd Favourites

Discover your new favourite with our bundle featuring a collection of our best selling coffees!

  1. 22 Martin Blend (125g): Our signature blend and homage to classic coffee flavours - taste Chocolate, Hazelnuts and Molasses for a richer blend.

2. CMCR Espresso Blend (125g): All you need with the incredible complexity of flavours - taste Ripe Cherry, Stone Fruit and Milk Chocolate.

3. Santo Antonio, Brazil (125g) This coffee comes from a collection of well organised estates based around the small town of Santo Antonio do Amparo in the south of the state of Minas Gerais. We taste Dark Chocolate, Cacao and Nougat.

4. São Paulo, Brazil (125g):  Grown from a coffee farm in Fazenda São Paulo, which is situated in Campo das Vertentes, located in Minas Gerais, about 200km south of Belo Horizonte. We taste Toffee, Walnut and Brown Sugar.