Single Origin

MT Argopuro, Indonesia

This coffee originates from a social non-profit cooperative initiated by the villagers situated on the slopes of Mt. Argopuro in East Java. Their aim is to enhance the well-being of the community through agriculture, and they have produced exceptional coffees from the region. Farmers primarily cultivate Lini S795 and Kartika, hybrid coffee varietals perfectly adapted to the Indonesian climate, yielding unique flavours and exciting cup characteristics that defy common expectations of Indonesian coffee.

The slopes of Mt. Argopuro are surrounded by volcanic soil, with an ideal climate at 1100 – 1500 meters above sea level and moderate terrain, making it perfect for coffee cultivation. Harvesting is done manually, with farmers selecting only fully ripened cherries. These cherries are then delivered to the Botolinggo village wet mill, where they undergo a quick rinse with clean water to remove debris and are sorted by density.

 The densest cherries are laid out to dry under the sun for 11 – 13 days, with frequent turning to ensure even drying. Once the coffee cherries reach an optimal moisture level, they are bagged and sent to a dry mill in Driyorejo. Here, the coffees are milled to expose the green beans, then graded by size and density, all while being screened for defects. The attention to detail results in remarkable quality in the cup.

Indonesia has a rich history of coffee production, and over the past couple of decades, there has been incredible growth and progress not only in quality and diversity but also in the development of high-quality coffee consumption both within and outside the country. Historically, Indonesian coffee was known for a specific flavour profile, often sold with little to no traceability and labelled under a handful of marketable names that didn't reflect its true origin. Today, we have the pleasure of enjoying delicious coffee from each of Indonesia’s unique regions, accompanied by a depth of traceability.

Most consumers are familiar with the taste of Indonesian coffee resulting from the unique wet hulling process known as "giling basah." Milling the coffee while it still has a high moisture content, earlier than traditional washed methods, resulted in shorter drying times, hence the name "wet hull." This process was effective for quick payment turnaround for producers and worked well for most with inadequate processing infrastructure to dry coffee, especially in a high humidity and frequent rainfall climate. However, coffees produced at Mt. Argopuro are processed using different methods, with honey and natural processes being the most common due to scarce water supply. Despite the challenges, producers are determined to deliver a high-end product with outstanding characteristics that garners praise from all corners of the world.

Brew Guides

We've put together our go-to guides for the most popular brewing methods, these are by no means set in stone, nor can we promise a perfect result each and every time. What we can do however is provide you with a great foundation for a good brew, and allow for a bit of wiggle room and your own experimentation.