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Single Origin
Decaf Risaralda, Colombia
From our existing relationship of producing partners at Risaralda, Colombia, we're excited to introduce a decaffeinated option for this delicious, sturdy single origin. Risaralda decaf runs through Descafecol, a state of the art decaffeination facility in the Andean region that has a rich source of natural water runoff from Nevado del Ruiz volcano.
An organic compound called Ethyl Acetate is used to extract caffeine using a soaking or "caffeine stripping" process. Ethyl Acetate may not sound appetising, potentially chemical-like, but this is a natural and organic chemical compound derived from sugar cane. The natural Ethyl Acetate is obtained from the sugar cane industry around Palmira, Colombia and is, together with spring water, the only other substance the coffee gets in contact with.

A reassuring fact is that Ethyl Acetate is found in many fruits and vegetables, for example, a banana contains around 20 times the amount of Ethyl Acetate than our decaffeinated coffee after processing. For the more roast focussed customers it’s also worthwhile mentioning that due to the volatility of this compound, it evaporates during the roasting process leaving no trace at all. The decaffeination process removes 97% of caffeine maintaining excellent natural flavour characteristics similar to the fully caffeinated variant.
If the standard serving of specialty coffee may not be suitable for health requirements surrounding caffeine consumption, this decaf coffee will leave you feeling all the good parts of specialty coffee without the buzz.